Tool Box

You will find here online tools for evaluating your stocks and the market as a whole.
Yahoo Finance
Investors, universities and software developers all over the world know that at Yahoo you can download stock data manually and automatically with Excel and others. This source is also important for our own calculations.
Detailed qualitative research published. Freely available for some major stocks. Additionally great market segmentation definitions and others for diversification.
Here you get popular calculators, portfolios and articles especially for American dividend stocks.
Mathematical Bubble Indicator from ETH Zürich
A theoretical bubble indicator based on resonance vibrations from nature. Looks like an interesting different approach and has to be investigated further.
Free online Reuters database access. In particular for UK stocks useful.
Online chart analysis software and forum for short-term considerations.
Real 10-year expected risk & return
Professional long term capital market expectations of asset classes.
Shiller P/E Values of National Stock Markets
Cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratios of sigle countries.
Freely available director dealings of german companies.
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