
This list contains a compilation of blogs publishing real personal portfolios. Clicking each link below will move you directly to the portfolio holdings.
(alphabetical order)
1500 Days to Freedom
2 Million Blog
A Christian Investor
A Dividend Dream
A Frugal Family’s Journey
All About Dividends
All About Interest
American Dividend Dream
Alpha Target
Anha Investing
Average Dividend Yield
Band of Savers
Bare Budget Guy
Be Smart Rich
Brave New Life
Brick By Brick Investing
Buy Hold Long
Captain Dividend
Compounding Income
David’s Financial Freedom Journey
Dear Dividend
Death To The Full-Time Job
Desi Guy Finance
DGI for the DIY
Diligent Dividend
Dining on Dividends
Divi Me Up
Divi Cents
Dividends and Hobbies
Dividend Arena
Dividend Cake
Dividend Cashflow
Dividend Daze
Dividend Digger
Dividend Diplomats
Dividend Dreamer
Dividend Driven
Dividend Dolphin
Dividend Echo
Dividend Empire
Dividend Epiphany
Dividend for Starters
Dividend Growth Bunny
Dividend Growth Investing & Retirement
Dividend Growth Journey
Dividend Growth Stocks
Dividend Hawk
Dividend Income Stocks
Dividend Karma
Dividend Kid
Dividend Ladder
Dividend Liberty
Dividend Life
Dividend Lord
Dividend Magic
Dividend Mantra
Dividend Miracle
Dividend Mill
Dividend Machine
Dividend Mom
Dividend Mongrel
Dividend Monk
Dividend Miracle
Dividend Noob
Dividend Portfolio
Dividend Prodigy
Dividend Producer
Dividend Solutions
Dividend Stacker
Dividend Venture
Dividend Vet
Dividend Wisp
Dividend Quest
Divi Me Up!
Dutch Dividend
Early Retirement Now
Exit Young
Exponential Dividends
Finance Journey
Financial Freedom
Financial Independence UK
Financially Alert
Financially Integrated
Finanziell Umdenken
FI Fighter
Freedom 40 plan
Freedom Thirty Five
Physician on Fire
Planting our Pennies
Happy, Healthy and Wealthy Girl
Hello Suckers
Indian Value and Contrarian Investor
Invest Like Grandpa
Investing Pursuits
Investment Hunting
Millionaire Educator
Mr. Free at 33
Mr. Tako Escapes
My Contrarian Adventure
My Dividend Growth
My Dividend Pipeline
My Financial Independence Journey
My Road to Wealth and Freedom
My Journey to Millions
No More Waffles
No Nonsense Landlord
Passive Income Mavericks
Passive Income Pursuit
Pollie’s Dividend
Pulling Ourselves Up Financially
Reddy Set Go
Retire Before Dad
Retire by 40
Save Now Idiot
Starting From Zero
The Dividend Pig
The Dividend Girl
The Dividend Guy
The Dividend Way
The Expatinvestor
The FI Explorer
The Frugal Vagabond
The Happy Frugaler
The Investment Road to Freedom
The Millenial Budget
The Stoic Investor
This Wife’s Life
Two Investing
Weekly Investment
Write Your Own Reality
Your blog with your portfolio is missing? Let us know and we will add it!
[2017.07.09 not reachable blogs sorted out]
[2017.07.30 new blogs added]
[2017.11.17 new blogs added]
[2018.06.11 dead links removed, many thanks to]
Thanks for adding my blog to your list!
You are welcome!
Thanks for adding me and greetings from the States! Colorado here!
I poked around your site a bit and like what I see. I think we have similar thoughts regarding investing. I hope you’ll consider taking part in my 10 Questions series at some point:
Thank you for adding DivHut to your blogroll. Much appreciated.
You are welcome DivHut!
Thanks for making this list and thank you for adding me, I have a lot of new portfolios to check out!
Welcome and happy reading!
Thank you for adding my Blog to the list!!!!
Thank you for stopping by and happy reading!
Zhanks for adding me to your blogroll!!
Thank you for the informative blog!
Quite the extensive list of blogs. Thank for you including me as well!
My pleasure. Always great to support other blogs out there!