Tag Archives: Guideline

Three Things we do not Learn in School

They did not teach us the most important skills in life. There are three areas which are completely overlooked by all western public teaching systems. What a pity that those areas are the ones that are most likely to determine your success, fulfillment and happiness in life.

Why Delay Spending?

Starbucks Coffee
Yesterday we were reading one typical blog post where someone discussed how he had exit the consumerism. As proof, the blogger does not purchase daily morning coffee at Starbucks for €4 like his colleagues anymore. The article was mainly about how the money saved from not buying coffee will produce gobs of money that will eventually enable him to retire early. Is this the right way to think about delayed spending?

ETF Portfolio Building

“Cooking Recipe” ETF-Portfolio (Focus Stock Markets)
We hear often one question: How to build an ETF portfolio with X €? Basic information are summarized in this guideline.


Do not put all eggs in one basket!
This post explains two fundamental approaches of diversification: Naive and Markowitz. Diversification means risk reducing by spreading capital into different investments. One basket could be one sector, country or investment type.